Wednesday, October 09, 2019

DeGeneres v. Bush / Kind v. Nice / Me v. Grammar

The recent story about Ellen DeGeneres sitting next to George W. Bush at a football game has inspired some thoughts. I am sharing Ellen's account of the events in the video posted above (which if TMZ is to be believed is also endorsed by the former President), but I also want to express my feels about it. So I hope you will take the time to read my rant as well as watch the video.

First, no one should judge FPOTUS* Bush or QODTTV** DeGeneres on a single, brief glimpse of the two of them seated together in a neutral setting. Ellen implies in her story that she did not know exactly who she would see that day, so it's not like she was looking to do a photo-op with a deeply unpopular political figure. Not everyone who is photographed in close proximity to George W. Bush had equal volition in those circumstances They do not all share equal moral responsibility for their situation. So unless you know what led to Ellen and George sharing a luxury box at an NFL game you should reserve judgement. When I first saw the picture of them together, it was because a gay internet celebrity shared it in a since deleted tweet. They asked their followers to find the situation adorable, and received a fair bit of blowback for doing so. At first I was mildly irked and considered responding. Then I remembered the golden rule of social media: You DO NOT need to share your thoughts about everything with everyone. However, Ellen's response in the video has given us some context, and I have found her defense lacking in some important ways.
*Former President of the United States
**Queen of Daytime Television

When Ellen frames this as a question about differing beliefs, she fails to address the true stakes of the situation. She claims she is friends with a lot of people who don't share her beliefs. We can all sympathize with that. (Though as someone with very few friends that actually sounds really stressful to me.) Be that as it may, our sympathies should not blind us to the fact that George W. Bush is not simply someone who has different beliefs. He is one of 44 human beings who have ever had the powers as head of the United State government and Commander in Chief of the US military to turn his beliefs into reality. Even after his term in office Bush remains a figure of significant social and cultural influence. The former President's support of Brett Kavanaugh during his nomination to the Supreme Court shows that even years after he left the White House he has the ability to influence policy for decades to come. You have probably heard some loved one propose some idea so ridiculous it made you thankful that person wasn't in charge of the world. We all live in a world that has been shaped in part by the beliefs of George W. Bush. For me to believe that Ellen understands the significance of her relationship with Bush is, she needs to show that she understands this crucial difference.

Beyond downplaying the importance of former President Bush, DeGeneres also fails to acknowledge that she could play an important role if she chose. In most friendships that involve political disagreements there is little to accomplish in arguing about it. Maybe one of the parties will change their mind to some degree, but to no real consequence. However Ellen had the chance to speak to her pal George not just as his buddy, but as the voice for many, many people he would never hear from. Consider the lives Presidents tend to lead once they leave office. They are usually sequestered from everyday life, spending most of their time with other powerful people or those who protect them. Very few people ever get to be in the same room as George W. Bush. He will never have to face someone who lost their home because of the Great Recession, or who lost a loved one because of Hurricane Katrina, or who lost everything because of the Iraq War. Ellen doesn't even have to be the voice for strangers she has never met. As one of the most highly visible LGBTQ+ people in the world, Ellen could have had a substantive conversation with a man who in 2004 advocated for an amendment to the Constitution that would have made her marriage to her wife Portia illegal and prevented the Obergefell decision from ever happening. Ellen could have done something that the rest of the world will never get to do, hold George W. Bush accountable for the consequences of his beliefs.

Perhaps worst of all DeGeneres misunderstands what it means to be kind when you are friends with someone like President Bush. Human nature compels us to form bonds with people, especially when dealing with those we perceive to be in our social group. In most face-to-face situations we will have an almost overwhelming urge to be nice. Since 2008 DeGeneres has come up in the world and Bush has come down in it. Consequently she may view herself as being his peer. Therefore in social situations like a football game I can understand if she obeyed the conventional norms to just be nice. However we should not conflate "nice" with "kind". Ask anyone who has had a friend struggling with a substance dependency, a mental health issue, or a dysfunctional relationship, and they will tell you that sometimes the kind thing to do for that friend is to have an unpleasant conversation with them. In situations like that being nice and avoiding risking the relationship in a confrontation will only allow a friend's problems to worsen. To be truly kind to a friend and look out for their best interest, regardless of the consequences, you must on occasion share unhappy facts with them. Ellen is free to be friends with whomever she pleases. I sympathize with her call to be kind to everyone. Nevertheless if she claims George W. Bush as a friend and cannot honestly say that she has had the same sort of conversations with him that she once did with John McCain, then I would say she is being nice to Bush, but she is not being kind.

Ellen DeGeneres should know very well that at times men have been allies to women and straights have been allies to gays to serve as a connection with people who only pay attention to the privileged. That was a kindness for groups who have been marginalized. Now that Ellen has the privileges success and fame bring, she had a rare chance to be an ally to a great many people who do not consider George W. Bush their friend. She did not have to do this at the football game, but I believe she has a moral obligation to do it eventually. So I sincerely hope that at some point before or after this encounter she challenged Bush on his different beliefs. It would have been a kindness for those of us who will never get that chance.

Monday, June 03, 2019

The Worst Spin-Off Idea Ever!!!

In an earlier post I mentioned that I sometimes write comedy sketches as a way to amuse myself. Going through an old smartphone, I found one I wrote a ways back. It's just two characters discussing a piece of pop culture ephemera. Basically I just ripped off the format of Cracked's Today's Topic series of videos.Y'know from back in the day when produced original, high-quality videos. Before they fired all their best creators who are now producing original, high-quality videos on their own. So the initial reference point is a little dated now, but the heart of the piece is still as a relevant as ever. It's a compelling and thought-provoking breakdown of the WORST [clap emoji] SPIN-OFF [clap emoji] EVER! [clap emoji] [clap emoji] [clap emoji]


PERSON A: I am really excited for the Fast & Furious spin-off movie starring Jason Statham and The Rock.

PERSON B: You aren't disappointed that Hollywood is so creatively bankrupt they're spinning off second tier characters instead of producing fresh movies based on new ideas?

A: Not at all. Spin-offs are a time honored Hollywood tradition. Hobbs & Shaw is far from the worst example.

B: So what would you call the worst spin-off ever?

A: Did you know there was a Mrs. Columbo?

B: Of course Columbo talked about his wife all the time in the old TV show.

A: No, I mean there was a spin-off  television series called Mrs. Columbo that followed the adventures of Columbo's wife, Kate.

B: Wasn't the gag in the original Columbo shows that we never saw his wife?

A: Exactly.

B: So how did they make a spin-off out of an unseen character? Does that really count as a spin-off?

A: Apparently it does if you claim the show is directly based on a previous series. So you just cast some actor and call her the wife of a beloved TV detective.

B: So what actor did they find to play a woman tough and worldly enough to bust Lieutenant Columbo's hump?

A: Kate Mulgrew.

B: Captain Janeway!? When did this happen?

A: 1979, just after Columbo's first cancellation.

B: Wait, how old was she then? Because she was 40 when she was started on Voyager, right?

A: Yup. So she was 24 when she did this.

B: And Peter Falk was in his 50's when Columbo ended its run on NBC? Ugh! It must have been gross for audiences to watch old Rumplecoatskin kiss his child bride.

A: Don't worry. Peter Falk never appeared on the spin-off.

B: That makes sense. He probably needed a break from the character. Oh, I get it! They reversed the gag. So in Mrs. Columbo her husband the detective is always off-screen and these are like the scenes of what's happening while he's off doing policework. I like it. Very Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

A: Except that wasn't the premise. In fact, she wasn't even married to Columbo for the entire series. They had them get divorced between episodes and changed the lead character's name to Kate Callahan.

B: How can you have a show called "Mrs. Columbo" without any character named "Columbo" in it?

A: They changed the title of the show to Kate the Detective

B: Does that mean in the world of the show a police lieutenant is married to another cop?

A: No, she was a reporter. That may have been part of the reason why they changed the title again to Kate Loves a Mystery.

B: Good gravy! Two title changes and an off-screen divorce? How long did this show run!?

A: Thirteen episodes.

B: That's insane!

A: I know! It's like somebody's fan-fiction ran wild and wound up as a TV show that actually got broadcast on a national network.

B: I guess compared to that, the expanding Fast & Furi-verse seems reasonable.

A: Precisely. So stop worrying about what kinds of movies are getting made and just enjoy that they're being made well.

B: Even the Dark Universe doesn't seem so bad.

A: Let's not go crazy.


*It doesn't matter where this scene takes place, so just imagine whatever setting you find most entertaining.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Quiz- Heavy Metal or Super-Hero?

Since Google hasn't yet decided to retire all the blogs on their platform to free up server space, I might as well make use of this forum. I had a fun idea recently that I thought could amuse the perverts and identity thieves of the Internet. It came to me as I was staring at the Marvel Comics trading cards I have posted on my walls. (That's right, baby, I'm living the dream!) I realized that something connects heavy metal and comic books, aside from obsessive fans with questionable social skills. Both bands that play variations on metal and characters from the comic books of my childhood tended to share similar naming conventions. They often incorporated weird portmanteaus, dark or violent imagery, references to mythology, and let's say "creative" spelling. They are so similar I think it might be hard to tell which is which.

With apologies to McSweeney's Internet Tendency I challenge the readers of this blog to take my quiz. From the following list, can you tell which names are of European black metal bands and which are characters immortalized in the 1993 Marvel Universe collection from SkyBox?

Quiz: European Black Metal Band or Marvel Comic Book Character?

(Answers below)

1- Grimfist
2- Black Axe
3- Arcturus
4- Moonblood
5- Motormouth
6- Bloodseed
7- Morg
8- Black Flame
9- Satyricon
10- Stryfe
11- Ragnarok
12- Die-Cut
13- Pantheon I
14- Infernum
15- Morbius
16- Tormentor
17- Venom
18- The Kovenant
19- Behemoth
20- Rage
21- Marduk
22- Slayback
23- Celestia
24- Night Thrasher
25- Drastique
26- Blackheart
27- Hellstorm
28- Demogoblin
29- Graveworm
30- Death's Head II
31- Hellhammer
32- Terror, Inc.
33- Forefather
34- Bloodaxe
35- Deathwatch
36- Nightfall
37- Heart Attack
38- Witchmaster
39- Darkhold Redeemers
40- Basilisk



Black Metal-1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38

Marvel- 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30,23, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40

Both- 17  

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Another comedy sketch

Illustration depicting the Jabberwock from Lewis Carroll's poem
Cover of an issue Jabberwock: a Monthly Magazine for Boys and Girls

Writing comedy sketches has become one of my favorite pastimes for when I just want to entertain myself. If you've been keeping track of this blog through the years, you may have noticed I have posted a couple of scripts on this blog in the past. I enjoy playing with language and dialogue. It helps give me respite from the drudgery of working on longer projects. So when I have a funny idea I like to run with it as an amusing mental exercise. In doing that I have produced a scenelet (with apologies to Lewis Carroll), which you can read below.


(THE JUDGE is seated on the bench at the center of one side of the room, seated next to him is a WITNESS, at a table opposite sits an ATTORNEY.)

JUDGE:  Counselor, you may now question the witness.

ATTORNEY: (Stands) Thank you, Your Honor. Now, sir, I want to go back to the day the events in question happened. To start, can you please describe what you remember about the day in general?

WITNESS: 'Twas brillig.

ATTORNEY: I'm sorry. It was what?

WITNESS: Brillig.

ATTORNEY: I don't know what "brillig" means.

WITNESS: It's a perfectly cromulent word.

ATTORNEY: Could you use it in a sentence?

WITNESS: "The hooker noticed it was a brillig day."

ATTORNEY:  Is brillig a term from the world of prostitution?

WITNESS: No! Certainly not. Why would you think that?

ATTORNEY: You mentioned a hooker in your example!

JUDGE: Let's try to move it along, counselor.

ATTORNEY: Of course, your honor. Besides being "brillig", what else do remember about that day? What was happening before the events?

WITNESS: The slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

ATTORNEY:  Did you say "slimy troves"?

WITNESS: No. Slithy. Toves. Toves which are slithy.

ATTORNEY: And these (makes air quotes) "slithy toves" were doing what?

WITNESS: They did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

ATTORNEY: Gyre and gimble? Because of the wabe?

WITNESS: Well, in the wabe, not necessarily because of it.

ATTORNEY: Naturally. Anything else?

WITNESS: All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.

ATTORNEY: We're just going to skip past that. Did you speak with anyone that day?

WITNESS: Yes, my father.

ATTORNEY: And what did he say to you?

WITNESS: Before I left he said to me, "Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

ATTORNEY: Now that sounds important. Why what is it about (makes air quotes) "Jabberwock" that you would need to beware of?

WITNESS: The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

ATTORNEY: Okay, things are finally making sense. Was there anything else your father said you should beware of?

WITNESS: The Jubjub bird.

ATTORNEY: Excuse me?

WITNESS: Oh, and I should shun the Bandersnatch.

ATTORNEY: What is happening!?

JUDGE: Excuse me, but did you say "shun the Bandersnatch"?

WITNESS: Yes. If it's frumious.

JUDGE: I understand then. You may proceed, counselor.

ATTORNEY: When your father said this to you, did you understand what he meant?

WITNESS: Honestly, at first I didn't understand anything he said.

ATTORNEY: That make two of us. So what did you think he was saying with all this talk of Jabberwocks, Jubjubs, and Bandersnatches?

WITNESS: I thought he might be trying to tell me not to hire a hooker.

ATTORNEY: Were you going to hire a hooker?

WITNESS: No! Certainly not. Why would you think that?

ATTORNEY: You just told us you thought your father was talking about hookers.

WITNESS: I may like getting my tove slithy as much as the next man, but I don't pay for it.

JUDGE: Counselor, this witness is not here to answer questions about your bizarre hooker obsession.

ATTORNEY: Your Honor!? Fine. After your father gave you this warning, did you take any precautions when you went out?

WITNESS: I took my vorpal sword in hand.

ATTORNEY: I'm sorry, what is (makes air quotes) "vorpal"?

JUDGE: Counselor, if you make those finger quotes one more time, I will bop you with my gavel.

ATTORNEY: I'm sorry, your honor. I won't do it again. I have just never heard of a vorpal sword.

WITNESS: It's a sword that's vorpalic.


WITNESS: Obviously I wouldn't carry a sword in vorpality, but those were extraordinary circumstances.

ATTORNEY: And then what did you do?

WITNESS: Long time the manxome foe I sought.

ATTORNEY:  Wait, (raises fingers to make air quotes but pulls them back while cutting sentence short) did you say  manx-

JUDGE: (Pointing gavel at ATTORNEY) Don't test me.

ATTORNEY: What happened next?

WITNESS:  So I rested by the Tumtum tree and stood awhile in thought.

ATTORNEY: Do you recall what you thought at that time?

WITNESS: Not exactly. I just remember my thoughts were uffish.

ATTORNEY: Uh-huh. But it was at this moment that thinks took a turn, wasn't it?

WITNESS: The Jabberwock, with eyes aflame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came!

ATTORNEY: I still don't understand a lot of what you just said, but please tell us, what did you do then?

WITNESS: One, two! One, two! And through and through the vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

ATTORNEY: Your honor, could you instruct the witness to respond to the question?

JUDGE: He is responding, counselor, if you would pay attention.

WITNESS: I left it dead, and with its head I went galumphing back.

ATTORNEY: Did you say (makes air quotes) "galumphing"

(JUDGE  strikes ATTORNEY on head with gavel, ATTORNEY shouts in pain)

JUDGE: I warned you.

ATTORNEY: Upon your return did you speak with anyone.

WITNESS: Yes, my father chortled in his you, "And hast thous slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

ATTORNEY: So now we can add frabjous, callooh, and callay to the list of words you've said today that I do not understand.

JUDGE: Don't forget beamish.

ATTORNEY: Thank you, Your Honor.

JUDGE: And what about chortle?

ATTORNEY: Actually, I think I got that one. It means to sort of laugh, right?

WITNESS: Yes, but in a frabjous sort of way. Not like when you outgrabe.

ATTORNEY: Thank you. Is there anything else you would like to share with the court.

WITNESS: I would just like to reiterate: 'twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; all mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe. Oh, and I did hire a hooker after all.

ATTORNEY: Your honor, I think I've proven my point.

JUDGE: I agree. This witness is competent to stand trial. (Gavels) What's next?

ATTORNEY: Next, I would like to review my motion in the case of Alice v. West Hampton Looking Glass Co.