Friday, August 26, 2016

I wrote a poem! Don't know why....

Hello Internet! Normally I only use this space to share prose, and I haven't done that in a long time. So I have decided to share a bit of free verse I came up with recently here. And it's not just because I feel guilty for letting this blog slowly fade out of existence. It's also because I don't have anywhere else to share poetry where it won't be mocked. So enjoy!

"Hot Rain"

Wide eaves above the one dry stretch of ground
Humidity so thick the clouds literally cannot hold it
When all the world's a sauna
Your sweat is just part of the brume

The Sun preheated the pavement 'til it sizzles
Rain becomes vapor the instant it lands
Steamed like rice on a summer afternoon
Your body feels so drained and saturated all at once
So much day left...

Hot rain is the worst
Blizzards numb
A real summer shower cleans
Even an August scorcher is sincere in its consistency
How can you be soaked and baking at the same time!?
That doesn't even make sense!

Your car waits less than one hundred feet away
Your home protects your cat a fifteen minute drive from here
A double pepperoni pizza could be out of my freezer and in your belly before Good Wife

To get to all of that you must brave
Torrid, muggy, uncomfortable, disgusting(!) precipitation

So instead you cower
Against a wall
Among the brume
Under a wide eave
Above the one dry stretch of ground.