Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An interesting development

Sometime last week I experienced the dreaded complete hard rive crash that haunts every computer user's nightmares. As such I was pretty much off-line, and wasn't aware of what was going down out there in the World Wide Web. When I finally rebooted my computer and regained access to the Internet, I naturally started revisting all of my old favorites to see what I had missed. It turns out that I had missed something rather important. I was happily perusing the World Wide Leader in Sport's website for all of that NBA coverage I crave so badly. Then I made an unsettling discovery which I will link to here rather than describe. Frankly I was flabbergasted. I couldn't imagine that two people could come up with a "Let's compare the NBA to astronomy" angle independently of each other. While I admit that there are important differences the whole thing seems uncannily similar to my long standing NBA Solar Rankings, as seen here. I don't really have the hubris to believe that the people at ESPN would bother reading (let alone ripping off) my blog. However the whole thing seems a little weird. I had so few unique ways to draw in visitors to this blog. It's very hard to be heard above the chatter of all those posturing blogs that cover sexy topics like politics or celebrity gossip. Now it appears that the mighty conglomerate of ESPN (a Disney subsidiary) is intruding upon territory previously staked out by my intellectual property. Needless to say I will be in touch with legal counsel to determine my possible responses.

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